showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Castle Blast Atariage (ReproProtos)2002 alieninvasion aliens entityvsupernatural fixedshooter flyingcity homebrew langinsignificant CX-5280. Homebrew. North America NTSC. 1 player only. The design of this game was inspired by level 5 of [game=#5507]Phoenix[/game]. Attempt to chip away at the shield to destroy the castle on top of the mothership. Difficulty increases as play advances. Initially the mothership has 1 hit point, fires one missile at a time at the player. But it later adds more missiles, up to 6 hit points, planes fly at the player from all sides, it adds laser beams and a resupply ship brings more shields. The player can fire horizontally or vertically.
Millipede Atari1984 bees beetles centipede centipedelike dragonflies earwigs faeprotagonist fixedshooter lives millipedes mosquitoes prototype score spiders supernatualvnatural tramiel worms CX-5248. North America NTSC. 1 player or 2 players alternating.
A prototype dated 1984-01-31 is finished and ready for release. Here come the millipedes to rampage your mushroom garden. They bring with them, Bees, Beetles, Dragonflies, Earwigs, Inchworms, Mosquitoes, Spiders. Don't expect the old enemies to behave normally, they have new tactics including coordinated group attacks and building a mushroom fort is not as reliable. With new enemies comes a new weapon, the DDT bomb. This sequel to [game=#20223]Centipede[/game] was originally called Centipede Plus. This version of the game was canceled by Jack Tremiel as part of his effort to make Atari a computer only company.
A.E.  Brøderbund1984 alieninvasion aliens entityvsupernatural fixedshooter langinsignificant lives prototype score uvl-searchelp There is some mystery if this game's development was overseen by Atari or Broderbund. It was not announced in catalogs and no internal documents mention it. One of the two North America NTSC prototype cartridges seems ready for release and can be found on multicarts. The control is unique, pressing the fire button launches your missiles and releasing it detonates them. A detonation is fairly large and destroys anything in the area (sorta like missile command). Also unique, the 3D backgrounds are [i]slowly rendered[/i] before each level.
Gorf CBS Electronics1983 alieninvasion aliens entityvsupernatural fixedshooter lives portreorder score 4L-2711. Rarity 3 scarce. North America NTSC. 1 player or 2 players alternating. Only one controller in port 1 is required and the players take turns with it.
The [game=Space Invaders]Space Invaders[/game] concept fully developed. First, defend the earth under a shield. Then fight the alien ships in space. Next, chase them into a wormhole for more shooting. Finally, confront the mother ship protected by the same shield technology (apparently stolen) used to defend the earth. This version, like all home versions, has only 4 levels instead of the 5 included in the [game=#86]arcade version[/game]. The [game=#76]Galaxian[/game] level is missing due to intellectual property egest.
Megamania Activision1983 entityvinvention fixedshooter langinsignificant lives score FZ-003. Rarity 3 scarce. North America NTSC. 1 player or 2 players alternating.
The [url=]Maya[/url] believed [url=]civilization would come to an end[/url] when man's creations, including domesticated animals, would take on a will of their own and attack their creators in an unorganized blitz, yet simultaneous and single in purpose to destroy all humans. Household items, due to their proximity, would be the first soldiers to draw blood. Thus the nightmare that is Megamania. Diamond rings, hamburgers, bow ties, dreaded ladybugs (refrigerator magnets?), tires, dice, ice cream sandwiches, steam irons, moonpies, and other such household items form ranks and attack. Fortunately you have your loyal spaceship to defend civilization by shooting those cute little bugs.
An more plausible alternative to the origin of the game's plot is that designer Steve Cartwright was just your typical male born with the desire to blow stuff up.
The manual is titled "Notes from a Nightmare" and explains the game as a nightmare the player cannot wake from. The title is actually written upside-down.
Centipede Atari1982 centipede centipedelike centipedes faeprotagonist fixedshooter langinsignificant lives score scorpions spiders supernatualvnatural trackball CX-5215. Rarity 1 Common. North American NTSC. 1 player or 2 players alternating. A variation of the space invaders concept. Use your wand to turn the bugs into self healing mushrooms that clutter up the playfield. Zap the Centipede in the middle and the leftover segments will start exploring the screen independently. Other types of bugs attack also; each with their own patterns. Only one trak-ball controller is needed for a 2 player if trak-ball mode is used; both player take turns using it. in controller mode, player 1's controller is plugged into port 1, and player 2's in port 2.
Galaxian Atari1982 alieninvasion aliens endless entityvsupernatural fixedshooter galaxianlike instantdeath langinsignificant launchtitle lives score space trackball
[125]***CX-5206. Rarity 1 common. North America NTSC. 1 player or 2 players alternating. When using controllers, player uses a controller in port 1 and player 2 in port 2. When using a Trak-Ball controller, each player takes turns while it stays plugged into port 1.
The game in between [game=Space Invaders]Space Invaders[/game] and [game=Galaga]Galaga[/game]. This version was originally announced as a "SuperSystem exclusive" but as we all know, Galaxian conversions eventually came live on most home systems. Shoot the formation of aliens and dodge their periodic kamikaze attacks. Or for the ultimate challenge ram them back (the single pixel on the tip of your ship is lethal if used precisely.)[spoiler=Hint;Hint]When a flagship is destroyed the fleet will morn by not firing for a moment.[/spoiler]
Space Invaders Atari1982 alieninvasion cover cover-destructible entityvsupernatural fixedshooter launchtitle lives score spaceinvaderslike spaceinvadersseries trackball [media=youtube]uQdqMfw9iuU[/media]***CX-5204. Rarity 1 Common. North America NTSC. 1 player or 2 players alternating.
Aliens march in formation in the sky. Left, down, right, down, repeat. The less of them in the sky the faster they go. They will all shoot you, so shoot them all first. You can hide under shields until enemy fire (or your own) has destroyed them.

Fast bomb mode
Homing bomb mode
Aliens start off-screen

The Trak-ball option offers better movement control than the joystick option.

As usual, sound indicates the current speed of the invader. An added feature is that volume is louder, if aliens are closer.

Eliminate an entire column on the edge of the formation and it will take longer for the formation to advance towards earth. The trade-off is, they get to shoot at you for a longer amount of time.
Try not to leave one lone alien, as it will move vary quickly and be hard to shoot. Instead try and line up two aliens next to each other, then shoot them both in rapid succession.
Always have a better player nearby to shoot that last ship for you if the above trick fails.

To date (2007-08-07), there have been no hacks to improve this version of [game=Space Invaders]Space Invaders[/game]